Today we're going to know about the INVENTION OF SHAMPOO

india facts invention of shampoo

The first known mention of shampoo is from the 4th century B.C when Greek historian Strabo wrote about India's practice of shampooing.

The word  is from the Hindu word champ,  meaning to massage or knead.

Shampoos came into fashion in 19th century England , where hairdressers offered patrons various kind of hair washing and scalp massage.

The first commercial shampoos were introduced.  The first commercial shampoos were introduced in Germany in the 1890s , but Americans had to wait for John Breck.

The first sachet shampoo was made in India as well. The earliest shampoo was made of ingredients like Gooseberry , Soapberry extract, hibiscus, etc.

Each of these ingredients had natural properties that  helped in thick and healthy hair growth.

In the  new times , the concept of sachet shampoo was also first invented in India.

The company that revolutionized sachet is shampoo making it more affordable to the public was chik shampoo.

There was a time when these shampoos like dove were a luxury product.

Not everyone could afford the big bottles of shampoo. This chick Company came up with the idea of sachet shampoo for packets Re.1 or 5.

So readers isn't the concept of shampooing another thing that can add to the resume of what Indians have achieved?

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