CoronaVirus Transmission Story

The story of transmission of Coronavirus over world wide!

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A pandemic is a worldwide spread of a new disease, or a global outbreak of any fatal disorder of structure in human animal and Corona virus is one of those.

The novel Coronavirus spreads through droplets and mucous. These droplets and mucous come when a person coughs or sneezes.

Coughing and sneezing releases thousands of droplets of saliva filled with viruses and not only this unfortunately this is not the end,

Now this one droplet coming out during cough and sneeze may contain upto 2 to 3 million viruses which is astonishing.

Well the droplets emerging during a sneeze travels at a speed of 320 kmph which is outlandish because these things are never known to us as a conscious creature.

Now let's take a closer look at how this pandemic disease spreads among homosapiens.

Just imagine sitting next to someone with SARS coV-2 under the same sky and suddenly the person coughs and sneezes potentially spraying you with respiratory droplets from their nose then these droplets are likely to contain the virus.


"According to the researchers the mode of transmission needs more research."

"Stay home,Stay safe🤚😊"

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